PJZ= call to Zurich voters!

"Achtung: Wer den Polizei-und Justizpalast nicht will, muss JA stimmen!"

Swiss democracy is awesome. So awesome that local citizens can vote on what's being built around them. I know of no other country that does that.
However, foreigners can't vote (some political parties can for that), so FAS calls for our Swiss/Zurich supporters to think and vote correctly, for once. So a YES for a NO.
Because the voting are not asked namely: do you want the PJC built or not? The question is: do you want the law requiring the construction of the PJC cancel, or not? Who does not want the PJC, must apply for the lifting of the PJC-law and agree that YES! Clear?

We hate the project and we hate the idea of wanting to build just anything without consultation. We would like a green house, or a pet paradise. Certainly NOT a jail.

Remember the project?


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